Monday, June 1, 2009

A touch of confidence

June 1, 2009

Sorry I’ve been away for a while, but the boy must have some time to play and to reflect without sharing with everyone. I can say that while I’ve been absent from the blogosphere for several days, I feel waves of self-confidence washing over me. Self-confidence was never lacking in my life prior to the past two months. But it took a small vacation.

After last week’s inspirational readings put renewed meaning in this adventure, I’ve been additionally buoyed by a rich discussion with my Vukote neighbors. And with sustained communication with the good Lord, or the Source, I feel like myself today.

As mentioned, my Vukote neighbors needed to sell their vacation home, and they never lost faith that they would. It was on the market for a couple of years. Well, two days ago, they received a bona fide offer to purchase their place, they said. They occasionally despaired, but their faith remained strong and the outcome worked in their favor – probably just in the nick of time, too. Their message to me is to stay strong, fearless and the pendulum will swing your way. Patience is a virtue, they advised.

Today I was back in the classroom at D’Youville. I learned how to do an academic unit plan and a lesson plan, and dashed off a unit plan with no problem. When the professor first dropped the assignment on me, I thought he was asking me to design a nuclear weapon. I felt the flutters in the chest and belly, but just settled down and immersed myself in the work. When I turned in the draft copy four hours laster, the professor complimented the work. He also returned my grade for my first “teaching” session two weeks ago – I got 5 out of 5 points. So the confidence is starting to grow.

Also, I have visualized the future and I know I will be employed. In fact, there will be several academic institutions vying for my skills. Richard D. Stanley, M. S. in Education.

Additionally, my travel story on Joshua Tree National Park appeared in The News yesterday, so I’m feeling pretty good about what I’m doing. I’m not sitting at a desk and computer all day, every weekday, especially during the summer. I’m writing, reading, learning. My life is being enriched.

It’s been two months to the day that I experience my first day of unemployment. It was a mental test to battle through those two months, but I did it. Today I felt like myself again, only knowing that I’m growing, getting smarter, more knowledgeable and am better able to understand the world.

I also know how to push fear out of my psyche – turn off the negative news media with its pervasive message of fear and despair. To replace fear with hope and light – move myself to a higher, faster energy level. The world is good. There are children and adults to help. I really enjoy being able to move about freely, exploring new frontiers.

What is that I feel circulating around the spiritual atmosphere of this house? The return of confidence, a friend who had become a spector, but is now finding form again. Welcome back, dude.

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